Monday, March 25, 2013

Last Day

Monday, March 25, 2013
Today is the last day of my pregnancy. The whole 37 weeks of it have been so very surreal. I think I've over-used that word but I'm not sure how else to describe this feeling.

I've wanted this SO badly for SO long but as the months, then years passed, as much as I kept at it, the reality of me actually being pregnant and having a baby was getting further and further from fruition.

That's why, every time I look down at my ever growing belly, I think to myself
"this can't be me"
"I don't look like this"
But it *is* me and tomorrow the belly will be gone and in it's place will be two baby boys.


When does this start feeling real???

Week 36 (all my tops are totally stretched out now)

Week 37 - last pregnancy selfie

Friday, March 15, 2013

So Very Nearly There

Friday, March 15, 2013
I've written half a dozen blog posts in my head but haven't had the energy to actually post one!!!
I'm now on couch rest, which is like bed rest but I don't have to stay in bed.

The babies were underweight a couple of weeks ago, so my Obstetrician told me I'm now not allowed to move. The less I do, the more they'll grow and as I don't want them spending weeks in the Special Care Unit after they're born, I have heeded his warning advice. It seems to have worked...two weeks ago, they weighed 1.6kg and 1.7kg each. I had another growth scan is week and now they're approximately 2.1kg and 2.2kg!!!
I will say how grateful I am that I haven't blown up during the pregnancy and have put on a total of 10 kilos. 

As long as they don't decide to make an earlier appearance, my Caesarian date is booked for March 26th...ELEVEN DAYS from today.

In the past week, I've sold my Fiat 500, which was beginning to feel like a clown car. I was having trouble getting into and out of it, and have taken delivery of my Mummy Car - a Nissan Dualis. It's great to drive and I love that I'm higher up. I need to get the baby seats fitted sometime next week.
Shit's getting real now...

I'll be on the couch if you need me x

Week 33

Week 34

Week 35 - not sure how much more my belly can stretch!